================================================================ Title : Qrally level builders stuff Filename : QRLBSv3.zip Author : Thomas Zieba Email Address : usnet1sm@sprynet.com Description : The Instructions for this QuArK addon. **The following Entities have specifics for them. The entities will be seperated with a line and all specifics & arguements will not be bold.** worldspawn Race_type has the following specifics as well as the valid arguements: racing_dm = sets your level to a dm racing level. dm = sets your level to a dm level no racing. cult = sets your level to a kill duke level. racing = sets your level to be racing only no weapons. nexttrack is the next specific & has no 'valid' arguement but the track names have to be spelled right. current_surface has a number of arguements if anyone can figure them out please e-mail them. --------------------------------------------------------------------- rally_type race_type has the same arguements as the one in worldspawn. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- rally_startfinish speed has the following valid arguements: 0-250 this number is how fast the cars go when they start your level. ammo_cells has the following valid arguements: 0-255 this number represents how much ammo the cars start with. ammo_shells has the same numbers as above. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- rally_marker rally_marker entity has the same specifics as rally_startfinish ------------------------------------------------------------------------ rally_changesurface speed has the same value as the speed in rally_startfinish current_surface is an unknown if you figure it out then please e-mail me it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- That is it for the valid arguements for Qrally if anything is left out of these instructions then please e-mail me and I will add it to this and your name will go in the thank you's section. Thank you section -------------------------------------------------------------- I would like to thank Armin rigo for QuArK and I wish him the best summer & keep those updates coming. I would like to also thank Derrick Mckay for posting importaint stuff about QuArK on his web site thanks ---------------------------------------------------------------- if you are interrested in Capture the flag (aka. CTF) and are making level try out my CTFLBS4.zip it includes the textures & entities for making CTF level. COMING SOON!!!!!!!!!! A Painkeep level builders stuff package. ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : No Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Monsters : No New Demos : No New Models : No QuakeC Patches : No * Construction * Base : none Editor(s) used : Quake Army Knife 3.61 Known Bugs : none Build Time : A few nights Comments : Well to make this QuArK addon permanent (meaning that everytime you open up QuArK you dont have to open up this addon) right click on Qrally textures and select copy then goto file | open then click on models.me and right click on the right side of your screen and select paste do the same with the Qrally entities.