LOKI'S MISSIONS Half-Life - The Xeno Project 2 Released: November 10, 1999 Author: Mr. White Contact: mrwhite@planetquake.com Website: http://www.planetquake.com/lm Description: Single Player Episode for Half-Life BSPs: 14 Custom Skies: 2 Custom Sounds: Many Custom Voices: John Keffer, Aisling Sampson Getting Started: Go to the Windows start/programs menu and select "The Xeno Project 2" from the "Loki's Missions" group or activate "The Xeno Project 2" in the Custom Game menu. You'll then be able to load or start a new game using the standard menus at your desired skill level. *Important* Things you should know: When you start out it will be little while before you get your suit. This means you are without your HUD and weapons switching is difficult. My advice is to just go with whatever weapon you end up with. There's plenty of ammo so you can afford to shoot breakable objects instead of switching to your crowbar. You'll also need to play carefully because you won't be able to monitor your health. Don't worry though, you'll have your suit soon enough. You'll need to have mastered some of the basic Half-Life maneuvers to get through this mission. Did you know you can jump a little higher by doing a jump/crouch? Did you know that sometimes you need to do a jump while already crouched to fit into tight places? This mission was meant to be played with the Half-Life cd in and enabled for music. If you have cd audio switched off you'll be missing out on some important ambiance. There is a walkthrough for this mission on our website (www.planetquake.com/lm). If you get stuck, please give it a try rather than using cheats. Cheating could really screw up the order of events. For some reason when you do a 'quick save', the 'saved' logo does not appear on the screen. Don't worry, your game has been saved. I've noticed this with other HL single player packs as well so I assume it's a HL bug. The Story: The story picks up where "The Xeno Project" left off. If you haven't played the first episode what are you waiting for? Go download it (www.planetquake.com/lm) and play it before reading any further!!! After fighting your way across Xen and escaping in a rocket you are captured and imprisoned aboard an Earth vessel full of grunts lead by the our old friend the Gman. What happens next? I'm afraid that's up to you. Good luck....you'll need it.