This is a pre-release version of the DMPlus bots, but should not affect anything else if you don't use them. Level navigation is NOT YET functional so some of the bots.ini settings are just ignored for now. Movement is only random, no real movement AI. 75% of the weapon AI is already functional, however. The first v3.x release will have 100% of the weapon AI in place and part of the movement AI (around 10%). It may take a while before the v3.x series is out. In the meantime, don't bother me with complaints about the bot's AI unless you have a really good suggestion. NOTE: The bots will work without patching up to 1013, HOWEVER it is not guaranteed that the server will not crash. In fact, there is a HIGH RISK of crashing when using the bots without patching up to 1013. Also, the bugs exhibited by the bots in pre-1013 patches will only be removed when Half-Life is patched up to 1013 or later. It is not a requirement of DMPlus, however, since everything else works fine with 1009 and 1010. Oh, and one more note. When creating .cfg files to auto-load the bots remember to insert a "wait" in between addbot commands to make spawning properly. A rapid succession of addbots will trigger a small bug which will cause some of the addbot commands to be dropped and ignored. Same goes for kickbot, by the way. example .cfg snippet: ... wait addbot Walter wait addbot Gordon wait ... === commands === addbot - adds the bot defined in bots.ini kickbot - sees if the specified bot is connected and makes him quit === cvars === NONE === bots.ini settings === General Settings: [.settings] findareadepth = maximum depth of area to area path finding, bots will Bot definitions: General bot definition format: [BotName] model= topcolor= bottomcolor= aim= roaming= aggressive= faveweapon= favesnipe= model must be a valid model otherwise game may behave wierdly topcolor and bottomcolor range from 1 to 256 but 0 will mean random (1 to 256) faveweapon range from 0 to 10 favesnipe range from 0 to 10 all other values range from 0 to 100 but 0 will mean random (1 to 100) aim = aim skill, 1 = worst, 100 = best roaming = roam rating, 1 = ultimate camper, 100 = mister patrolman aggressive = aggressiveness rating, 1 = I'd rather snipe from afar, 100 = I want to get up close and personal!!! a roam rating of 20 or less and an aggressiveness rating of 20 or less will mean that this guy will frequently camp in regular sniping spots high roam rating and a low aggressiveness rating means the bot will patrol but will try to engage only from afar high roam rating and high aggressiveness rating means the bot is will hunt for blood low roam rating and high aggressiveness rating means that the bot will camp until it sees an enemy in which case it will attack like mad if both aggressiveness and roam rating is low but one of them is more than 20 then the bot will camp and employ semi-hit and run tactics the behaviours will be determined by several factors including, but not limited to health and armor, the amount of ammo left in favorite weapon (sniping or regular combat) faveweapon = the favorite weapon for regular combat favesnipe = the favorite weapon for sniping 0 - random (remains the same for the rest of the game) 1 - Crowbar 2 - 9mm Glock 3 - 357 Magnum 4 - MP5 5 - Crossbow 6 - Shotgun 7 - RPG Rocket Launcher 8 - Gauss Gun 9 - Egon Gun 10 - Hornet Gun If the any of the two are set to something larger than 10 then it is treated as 0, meaning a random selection (never includes the crowbar). If the bot doesn't have his favorite weapon, he will use the standard weapon weighting. Note that the bots still don't know how to use the weapons in group 5 (hand grenades, snarks, tripmines, satchels) properly. If on the occasion that weapon weighting is disabled the bots will have a wierd choice weapons if the bot doesn't have his favorite weapon available. A fix is being worked on for this. Ability to use hand grenades, snarks, tripmines and satchels are going to be worked on along the way, but right now it is not yet the priority. Note that for the favesnipe setting, when set to 0, the bots will only randomly choose between the magnum and the crossbow, but you can still set this to something like 1 (crowbar, hehehe) though this is obviously wrong. The bots use the MP5 grenade launchers but only at close range. The bots also go into berzerk mode whenever they equip the crowbar. Berserk mode is when the bots charge at you mindlessly while only releasing the attack button when switching weapons or when in need of reloading. Currently, the bots go into berzerk mode only when equipping the crowbar.