3-26-99 ********** Title: Reign Of Fire Filename: rof.bsp Author: Todd'Mr.CleaN' Rose Email: todd@superiorsteelfab.com or rose@clipper.net Description: Quake2 deathmatch level zip file size: ~1040Kb Other DM maps: Hotseat (KOTH mod) Faultline (unreleased) Pandemonium (unreleased) En_Force (mrc-ef.bsp) Something Wicked This Way Comes (mrc-wick.bsp) F.U.B.A.R. (fubar.bsp) Broken Solitude (bsol.bsp) Ancient Stone, Fresh Blood (ancient.bsp) *********** Instructions: Unzip into your Quake2\baseq2 directory Play Information: Single Player: I doubt it Cooperative: nope, not this either Deathmatch: now you're fragging! (8 DM starts) Player Load: 2-8 (3-5 recommended) New Sounds: yep New Graphics: yep Special Notes: converted Hexen2 textures The sky is by Stecki (http://deconstruct.terrafusion.com/) *revised version recompiled on 3-26-99 Construction: Base: New level from scratch Editor used: QERadiant build 135 Build time: 20-25 hours Compile time: 6 minutes Compilers: G.Dewan's BSP and Qvis, Tim Wright's ArghRad Credits: -Id Software-http://www.idsoftware.com -Robert Duffy (QERadiant)-http://www.planetquake.com/qeradiant/ -G. Dewan (BSP and VIS compilers)-http://users.net66.com/~gdewan/quake2.html -Tim Wright (ArghRad)-http://www.planetquake.com/arghrad/ -Stecki (sky environment)-http://deconstruct.terrafusion.com/ -IOL Guild (playtesting) *Copyright/Permissions* Copyright (c) 1999 Todd Rose. All rights reserved. This map may be electronically distributed free of charge ONLY. This map may not be modified in any way or used as a base for other works. This text file must be included with the map unmodified. This map may not be distributed on any CD-ROM qithout prior written consent from the author. Thank You Todd'Mr.CleaN' Rose todd@superiorsteelfab.com or rose@clipper.net visit the House Of CleaN at: http://members.tripod.com/~Saxoman/HouseOfCleaN/index.html