February 6, 1998 ================================================================ Title : Redneck Wars Filename : rednkwar.bsp Author : Chris Thorsten (a.k.a. Redneck Retard!!!) Email Address : sonico@blast.net Description : Deathmatch level for Quake 2. Additional thanks to : id Software, Lithium software ================================================================ ---------------Play Information---------- Level Name : Redneck Wars Single : Just to look Quake2 DM 2-8 players : YES! Comments: This is my favorite map I have made so far. There are two arena-like areas connected by two hallways. The gameplay is great against crbots or other people. I tried to add some interesting-looking features, but nothing too radical... it's optimized for those of us with dinosaur computers. Have fun with this one! ---------------Construction----------------------------- Base : built from scratch Build Time : One evening Qbsp3 Time : a minute or so Qvis3 Time : about 5 minutes Qrad3 Time : about 10 minutes Machine Used : Pentium 166 MHz w/ 48 Mb RAM -------------------------------------------------------- Editor(s) used : Qoole Known Bugs : None ---------------Legal & Other Notes---------------------- Give this level to anyone you want. Get it running on a server and then email me so I can play! If want to sell it on a compilation, I'm flattered, but please ask permission first. Plus, all the textures are copyright of Id software, so I guess you'd better ask them too. **** Where to get this BSP **** ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/idgames2/quake2/levels/deathmatch/... that is, if it's uploaded there by the time you get this text file... ----HOW TO RUN THIS LEVEL---- Copy the .bsp into your \Quake2\baseq2\maps directory. Then you can start up quake2. Go into the console by pressing the tilde key (~), and type in "deathmatch 1". Hit enter, then type "map rednkwar". --------------------