---------------------------------------------------------- Airtime map v1.0 9/7/98 for the Quake2 Swinging Grappling Hook ---------------------------------------------------------- Release Notes ------------- I haven't VISed this map yet since it takes so damn long but I will when I have the time. Due to the large volume that needs to be rendered at one time, this map almost requires you to have a 3d accelerator(Voodoo or Voodoo2 preferred), otherwise you will experience most of the walls popping in and out as the max edges and surfaces are reached. One thing I noticed is that if I don't QRAD this map, it runs much faster on lower performing 3D cards at the expense of loosing the cool lighting. If I get requests for such a version I will put it up so let me know. Description ----------- This map contains some of the biggest and tallest rooms you will ever see for your ultimate swinging experience. It was especially built to be used with my Swinging Hook. If you want to see what can be done with the hook in this map view the demo. Viewing the Airtime demo ------------------------ The demo will not play smooth due to the client side prediction. To view the demo, temporarily turn the client side prediction off. At the console type this: cl_predict 0 then press enter; on next like type: demomap airtime.dm2 then press enter; the demo will play. When you are finished with the demo you will need to turn client side prediction on again by typing: cl_predict 1 then press enter. Playing without client side prediction even in single player is very laggy so it is not recommended. Playing the map --------------- At the console type this: map airtime then press enter. Installation ------------ Place the Pak1.pak in the ..\quake2\hook directory and run Q2hook.bat from the quake2 directory. Make sure you have previously installed the Swinging Grappling Hook for Quake2. If you haven't then get it here: http://www.thegrid.net/chaotic78/hooked/ Hook usage ---------- Refer to the documentation that comes with the Quake2 Swinging Grappling hook for this. Credits ------- Map by: Perecli Manole Battle nick: Bort If you need help or have any comments or suggestions regarding this mod, my address is: Perecli@ix.netcom.com Visit http://www.thegrid.net/chaotic78/hooked/ for updates