===================================================================== Title: Area 52 Name of Map: q2a52.bsp Compilation date: vr24-2-1999 Compilation time: 17:46 Compilation... Tool: Switches Time: qbsp3.exe 14 sec. qvis3.exe -level 4 122 sec. = 2 min. + 2 sec. qrad3.exe -extra -ambient .02 472 sec. = 7 min. + 52 sec. ------------------------------- 608 sec. = 10 min. + 8 sec. BSP size: 486.412 bytes ZIP size: 175.109 bytes Playing Style: Only Deathmatch for 2-4 persons. Author: Boy Goossens Live in: The Netherlands, Amsterdam Machine: Intel 200 MMX, VX Chipset, 512 Cache, 64MB RAM Email: boy3d@usa.net Maps Made Sofar: This is the first one. Editor: WinQoole 2.50 WebSite: http://www.qoole.com Credits: ->Will Pendleton who designed this great deathmatch map:"A52.bsp" for the Classical Quake, and with it gave us hours of fragging fun.(Please read a52.txt) I've copied the geometry and scale exactly and hope it will have the same gameplay. ->The makers of the Qoole editor, providing a complete, obvious and easy to master tool for level editing. ->Beta testers and friends Hans and Guy, who, last night gave this level when we joined through TCP/IP, their most critical and experienced deathmatch eyes, helping me to find every wrong detail in the map I had to correct. ->The thinkers at ID Software who established the best game ever. =====================================================================