Feb 16th 1998 ******* (Quake II) ******* ================================================================ Title : LaRd sewers Filename : lard1.zip Author : Andrew "LaRd" McIntyre Email Address : lard@quake2.com Description : Small Dm Map for about 5-6 people, this was just a test level and isn't as good as it could be due to limited quake2 support with my chosen editor :). Theres a few flaws here and there but i hope you enjoy and feel free to send any mail about it Additional Credits to : Hal and Noel for being "The Guys" Our crazy folks on the mailing list for testing it, in particular "jason" (forgot your name :), you know who you are. My dog, vicar, fitness guru and that old man who lives across the street from me and stands on his doorstep all day smokin, ================================================================================= * Play Information * Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes (6 starts) 2-8 players * Construction * Base : New level for Quake II Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 1.5b Build Time : 10 hours ish Textures used : ?? Compile machine : Pentium 200MMX, 96mg ram QBSP Time : 12 secs Light (-bounce 64) : 705 secs VIS (-level 4) Time : 500 secs Brushes : 256?? Entities : 120 * Other Info * Unzip into the quake2\baseq2\maps directory (create if necessary). Launch Quake 2 deathmatch, go to the console and type: map lard1 * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY take brushes out of the MAP file and use them in their levels. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP or it's MAP file on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. Just ask... You may not distribute screen shots of this level in any form other than electronically.