=================================================================================== March 20, 1998 =================================================================================== Title : Kill! Kill! Kill! Filename : k3.bsp Author : Klaus Breuer Email Address : sz0759@rrze.uni-erlangen.de WWW Homepage: : (none) Date of release : March 20, 1998 Description : Remember a long time ago, when the gods at id Software brought out a DeathMatch only level for DOOM? I forgot the name, but not the map - it was small, hard and played brilliantly. Shifting through my papers, I found a complete layout of the map and decided to port it to Quake II. I have made very few changes to the map, and thus it plays just just as well as the original so long ago (The name comes from the frantic pace). My bet is that most DeathMatches are played one-on-one, so you might like this map. However, I've played it with 10 people and robots in a network, and we still had a LOT of fun. Let me know what you think - and keep in mind that I didn't design this map, so the great layout is none of my doing... Additional Credits to: id - the One And Only ========================================================================================= * Play Information * Game : Quake II Level Name : Kill! Kill! Kill! File name : k3.bsp Single Player : No. Cooperative : No. Deathmatch 2-8 Players : Yes. Difficulty Settings : No. New graphics : No. * Construction * Base : new level from notes on paper Build Time : 3 three days and two nights - with 3h of sleep Editors used : WorldCraft v1.6 ============================================================================================ Platform used : P-200 64MB RAM, ET6000 4mb and Monster 3D (Voodoo chip) Known Bugs : "Bugs? Those are features!" (tm) Microsoft