================================================================ Title : j.c.f.'s rat maze 4.0 Filename : jcfrmz40.bsp Date of Release : 02/27/98 Author : Jonathan C. Forster Nick : j.c.f. Email Address : jforster@u.arizona.edu Description : Quake 2 deathmatch level for 6 to 16 players. Problems : Nothing that a couple of hulking hint brushes didn't fix. ================================================================ History ---------------------------------------------------------------- Ported from jcfrmz20.bsp for Q1 for posterity's sake. Added a few things for variety, changed some others 'cause (a) they didn't come across anyway (THRED's save as .MAP? I dunno) and (b) I didn't like 'em anyway. Originally inspired by the Doom level Rat Maze 21. ================================================================ * Play Information * Game : Quake 2. Single Player : No. Cooperative 2-4 Player : No. Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes. Kinda quiet. Deathmatch 6-16 Player : Yes. Difficulty Settings : No. New Textures : No. Exit : No. * Construction * Editor(s) used : m2m 0.7b to port it and QE Radiant builds 032 through 044 (I think). God almighty is QE Radiant leaps and bounds better than THRED. qbsp, qvis, qrad -extra : 4 hrs on the 166 at home ================================================================ If you like it send me email. Oh yeah, you can't make money from selling this, nor can you distibute it with out this accompanying text file. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. I like Ed Cope's boiler plate, so 'scuse, me but I'm a copyin' it Ed, thanks. ===================================================================== * legal stuff * This level is copyright 1998 by Jonathan C. Forster. Permission to use, copy and distribute unedited copies of this file (jcfrmz40.zip) is hereby granted, provided that no fee is charged for the use or availability of this file (other than the normal connection costs for on-line services, if applicable). The above copyright notice and this permission notice must be left intact in all copies of this file. By using this file, you have agreed to the terms and conditions set forth in this document. If you do not wish to abide by these terms, you must delete this file from any and all storage devices (regardless of the specific media involved) immediately. Commercial distribution of this file, in whole or in part, requires prior agreement with the author. Commercial distribution includes any means by which the user has to pay either for the support (e.g. book, newsletter or CD-ROM) or for the file itself. Unauthorized commercial distribution is prohibited. If you wish to commercially distribute (see definition above for the explanation of "commercial distribution") this file, note: (1) This file contains intellectual property (including, but not limited to, textures and other artwork) owned solely by Id Software (http://www.idsoftware.com), and is subject to any and all copyrights held by them. This author does not have the authority to grant usage of Id's copyright, and, by granting permission to use this level in a commercial release, does not waive their rights thereby. By commercially distributing this file without the express written consent of Id Software, the publisher faces the risk of potential legal action from Id Software and has been so advised by this author. (2) Permission is granted by this author for the one-time commercial distribution of this file if all of the following conditions are met and agreed to by the publisher: (a) The author is notified by email or conventional mail PRIOR to the file's inclusion on ANY commercial release. (b) The author is provided with one (1) "contributor's copy" of the finished product upon it's release. This copy is to be mailed to the author using the shipping address specified by the author in his/her reply to the publisher's initial email notification, and is to be provided at no cost to the author. (c) The author's file (including this copyright notice) is not to be modified in any way, and shall be distributed as the author intended. (d) The author recognizes that copyrighted material is present in the file and is aware that said material is not copyrighted or copyrightable by the author. The author also recognizes that this file is a Permitted Derivative Work when freely distributed, and that, by commercially redistributing the file, the publisher agrees to bear the entire legal burden, should it become necessary. (e) The author retains all copyrights to this work both prior to and subsequent to the commercial release of this file. (3) By requesting a shipping address from the author, the publisher signifies acceptance of, and agrees to abide by, these conditions. By returning a valid shipping address to the publisher, the author thereby grants the publisher one-time usage of the author's copyrighted work for commercial purposes. =====================================================================