============Quake2 level by Bomping=================== ==============Sunday May 17 1998====================== Title: Home1 Filename: home1.bsp Author: Bomping Email: bomping@hotmail.com Description: Deathmatch-level for Quake2 Other levels by author: Bomping1 (Another DM-level) ====================================================== * Play Info * Single player : Yes (Why bother really) Cooperative : No Deathmatch : YES!!!! New Sounds : No Difficulty Settings : Yes New sounds : No New graphics : No Demos replaced : None Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Qoole 2.41 Known bugs : None Build time : 3 hours Textures : Quake 2 standard Compile machine : Dual P133/48 Megs Ram WinNT 4.0 ===================================================== Just unzip to /quake2/baseq2/maps. In console type "map home1" , and you are on your way. ===================================================== This level may be distributed freely as long as you include this text-file. Comments are welcome by E-mail.......................