=============================================================================== Title : DethCom5 - The return Filename : DethCom5.bsp Version : 6/4/98 Author : Jon "DarkChild" Chapman Email Address : darkchild@mcmail.com Other stuff by author : Currently working on a medieval TC for Quake2 with a team lead by DeadMeat. I'm the texture artist (or one of them at least) Description : I'm not gonna come up with some storyline to justify this level - I'm not even gonna try! This is simply a 2 or 3 player level designed for non- stop killing frenzies :) Play it, have fun, play it again. Any questions? Additional Credits to : iD of course and Yahn for BSP (Thogh when the level was made, I used WorldCraft. Thanks to Ben Morris there) =============================================================================== * Play Information * Game : Umm..Quake2? Single Player : No..but you can look around obviously Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes, around 5 start points. Only suited for 2 or 3 players though. Anymore and its crowded (It's THAT small) Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : Nope Demos Replaced : Nah * Construction * Base : Dethcom5.wad from Doom2 Build Time : Don't ask me I don't time myself Editor(s) used : Worldcraft Known Bugs : As far as I'm aware there are NO bugs in this level There are however a few texture cockups..hardly noticeable though and not really worth mentioning. I can't change it coz being me..I've deleted the .map and .rmf files accidently. Forgive me!! * How to use this level * Make a "maps" directory in ../quake2/baseq2 and copy the level into it. In Quake2, bring up the console and type in "map Dethcom5". To start a deathmatch game either start it as usual and type "map Dethcom5" in the server's console or start a multiplayer server from Quake 2 and type "map Dethcom5" in the console. * Copyright / Permissions * This level is by Jonathan Chapman in 1998. You are NOT allowed to commercially exploit this level, i.e. put it on a CD or any other electronic medium that is sold for money without my explicit permission! You MAY distribute this BSP through any electronic network (internet, FIDO, local BBS etc.), provided you include this file and leave the archive intact. * Where to get this map * Why? You already have it. try ftp.cdrom.com