================================================================ Title : 2FortGore Filename : 2fortgore.bsp Start Date : 05-10-98 Finish Date : 05-12-98 Map Author : Tom "Tumorhead" Reno Email Address : tomreno@earthlink.net Homepage : http://www.captured.com/weaponsfactory Description : 2 Forts for CTF play. Architecture like 2fort4 Requirements : Quake2, CTF 2 for Quake2. ================================================================ Additional Credits ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : No (no starts) Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes CTF : Yes * Construction * Base : fresh from scratch Editors used : BSP Known Bugs : None Description: Quake 2 CTF map. Best used with the ST Weapons Factory mod available at our website (where you always spawn fully armed in your own fort). Directions: Unzip 2FortGore.bsp into your Quake2/CTF/maps directory. Background: If you've ever played Quake 1 Team Fortress you'll recognize the layout of this map. There are two opposing forts. Each with a sniper balcony, ramp room and basement flag area. The distance between the forts is perfect for snipers. There is a water tunnel connecting the two basements. * COPYRIGHT NOTICES and PERMISSION * This level is copyright 1998 by Tom Reno. Permission to use, copy and distribute unedited copies of this file -- [2fortgore.bsp] -- is hereby granted, provided that no fee is charged for the use or availability of this file (other than the normal connection costs for on-line services, if applicable). The above copyright notice and this permission notice must be left intact in all copies of this file. Commercial distribution of this file, in whole or in part, requires prior agreement with the author. Unauthorized commercial distribution is prohibited.