============================================================================= The PIG 2000 v1.00 Created by Psychosoft ============================================================================= Title : PIG 2000 Author : Shaun 'Cyberslash' Wilson and Andrew 'Archaic' Swan E-mail : cslash@yahoo.com Website : http://www.games.vision.net.au/psychosoft/ ABOUT ===== The PIG 200 is a weapon that looks like the BFG (cos I used the model with a slightly different skin) but behaves very differently. Point it at a baddy and fire, and something very odd will happen to them. How odd? That's different every time. Results vary from a barrel getting dropped on their head to them turning into a sheep. Due to the way it works, it is a single-player only weapon. USING THE PIG ============= To install it, simply unzip the archive (with directories) to your Quake2 dir. Then run Quake2 with the following command line: quake2 +set game pig2k Just start a game, and whenever you get the BFG you'll also get the PIG. To use the PIG, type at the console (or bind a key to) 'use PIG2K'. BACKGROUND ========== The PIG 2000 is a wierd project that wasn't quite finished when the invasion of Strogg started. A few units were sent anyway, as intellegence wasn't exactly sure what to expect. You never know when strange pieces of hardware are going to come in handy. PIG stands for Physical Improbability Generator. PIGs have the ability to generate random anomalies in time and space. It is based on the design of the BFG. A scientist accidentally stumbled across the BFG's ability when trying to improve its range. Unfortuanately, after a few weeks of research, the scientist turned himself into a can of baked beans. His research notes were discovered though, and the PIG was improved. The PIG 2000 has been designed so its possible outcomes are limited, but what it will actually do when you fire it off is still a random chance. Common outcomes found in combat tests are as follows: Instant Gib: The victim spontaeneously combusts. Transform: The target will transform into another object, usually something close by, but there are reports of targets turning into farm animals. Reality Move: The target gets moved to another plane of reality. What happens to it afterwards is not known, but the move does create a small shockwave. Squash: An object falls on the target. Swap: You and your target swap places. Invert: The target's gravity is inverted. This causes it to fly up, and due to the strength of the reverse gravity, it will squish when it hits anything. Due to the random outcome, the power it takes to generate also varies. It does have a cutout that will limit it to 50 standard cells. LEGAL CRAP ========== The basics of it is, if this buggers up your system (although I can't see how it could) it ain't my fault. Feel free to distribute this as much as you like, as long as it stays in its original form with this readme. If you want to put it on a commercial CD, you will have to get my OK first. If you don't ask me first I'll get really cut. Enough crap, go play with the spanky new weapon. -Cyberslash