---------------------------------- Title : HellFire Weapons Mod Filename : Hellfire11.zip Version : v1.1 Date : 6/24/1999 Author : Joshua Jackson Email : jjackson@vortech.net web Site : http://www.vortech.net/hellfire Type of Mod ----------- Deathmatch : Yes Teamplay : No Weapons : Yes MD2 : No ---------------- gamex86.dll : Yes gamei386.so : Yes Construction ---------------- Base : Quake2 3.20 Source Build Time : An evening Editor(s) used : MS VC++ 6.0 Known Bugs : Rune bugs - see below Compiled with : MS VC++ 6.0, gcc under Linux 2.0 Description of the Modification ------------------------------- MOD Contains the following new weapons: Hellfire Missle: Homing missle... absurdly deadly. Cluster Bomb: Grenade Launcher based weapon that shoots a standard-looking grenade that explodes into 12 additional grenades that blossom out in every direction. Shrapnel Grenade: Hand-held grenade that hits everyone in the room with a shotgun blast with it explodes. Death Blossom: Hand-head grenade that hits everyone in the room with a rail slug with it explodes. To activate any of the new weapons, use the standard weapon activation keys (7 for the rocket launcher, etc). Pressing the key more than once will cycle through the various weapons. Ammo Requirements: Hellfire Missle: 5 rockets, 5 energy cells Cluster Bomb: 4 Grenades Shrapnel Grenade: 2 Grenades, 5 shells Death Blossom: 2 Grenades, 5 slugs MOD also contains the following runes/techs: Regeneration: Owner gets 1 health point every 1/2 sec Resistance: Owner takes 1/2 damage Strength: Owner does 2x damage Vampire: Owner receives health from its victim Haste: Owner's weapons fire 2x as fast BUGS: - The runes will not respawn elsewhere if they are dropped in an inaccessible location (eg: lava). - If you are carrying the vampire rune, you will only receive health from your victim if you do not kill them... the chain gun works great with this rune MOD also keeps track of (and displays on the screen): - Your rank in the server - Your Frags/Hour rating MOD Contains a grappling hook, a sample .cfg file for using the hook is included. How to Install the Modification ------------------------------- In Windows, make a directory called HellFire under your Quake 2 Sub-Dir, place the .dll file there. In Linux do the same, but copy the .so file. To start a server with the mod use: quake2 +set dedicated 1 +set game HellFire Additional Notes from the Author -------------------------------- If you are interested in the source for this mod, it is available at the web site listed at the top of this page. Copyright and Distribution Permissions -------------------------------------- I could care less what you do with this thing... have fun. If you get the source from me and make modifiations to it, please give me a little credit. Any suggestions, code patches, comments can be sent to: jjackson@vortech.net Flames, hate-mail should be re-directed to: /dev/nul