Quake 2 Frag logging v0.1 (server side only) 12/13/97 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.people.cornell.edu/pages/dmf14/q2flog.htm by Dave "Mongoose" Feldman (dmf14@cornell.edu) Disclaimer: By using this, you agree that I'm not liable for any damages that may occur! Installation: Make a new directory under quake2 (such as q2flog) and copy these files into there, most importantly gamex86.dll. To run the mod, just use "+set game q2flog" (or whatever directory you put it in) at the quake2 command line. Use: Quake 2 frag logging mimics the quakeworld frag logging, outputting to the same files in the same format (in your quake2 directory) except fraglogfile is now a variable instead of a command, so you must type fraglogfile 1 to enable frag logging, and fraglogfile 0 to disable it. The fraglogs are written in the Quake2 directory and use the names frag_0.log, frag_1.log, frag_2.log, and so on and so forth and are of the format \frager\fragee\ as outlined at http:\\www.quakeworld.net\. The fraglogs can be parsed by any quakeworld log parser, but I recommend QRC (written by me, of course). Yes, this may be a shameless plug, but who cares? QRC is available at http://www.people.cornell.edu/pages/dmf14/ and will parse these Quake2 fraglogs and generate stats. Note: Q2flog is still hasn't been tested extensively. I set up my computer as both a dedicated and nondedicated server and it worked, and it also worked in singleplayer mode but is pretty useless then. I would love any feedback regarding suggestions or tweaks.