============================= DaSDM v0.1 by Dascott ============================= Title : DaSDM v0.1 Author : Darryl Scott (DaScott) coauthor Expert Quake 1 for quakeworld author of da_qdmx (da_qdm30) for quake dascottx series of doom maps Leet ass Deathmatcher(tm) Winner, Nobel Prize Email Address : dascott@infi.net Type : Quake2 server side dll Description : Eventual multi-purpose dm mod.. currently supports multiple map lists and "smart map" selection by # of players Additional Credits to : ivarch@ps.cus.umist.ac.uk for ini code L.S. Foster, for the C programming book (heh) id software, cause it's their game Thanks to : Nok for letting me raid quake2.li.net for testing Build Time : A couple days of trying to remember basic C fundamentals ================================================================ * I HATE TEXT FILES, JUST TELL ME WTF TO DO Put this file and the .dll in a \quake2\dasdm directory. The dasdm.ini file goes into your \quake2\ directory, NOT a subfolder. Edit the .ini file unless you want to use the defaults. But you probably want to read the next section first.. * SO WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? DaSDM is the end of this frustrating sight: Super Duper DM O'Death 3.31.37 180 base64 1/256 Teeny Weenie's Puny Shack 180 base1 64/64 Where's Waldo? 190 q2dm8 2/30 Quit stepping on my Foot 190 q2dm7 32/32 Notice the problem? Servers almost never seen to be playing a map that fits the number of players. You either get two or three dorks running around for two hours trying to find each other on a huge labyrinth, or a gaggle of blaster shooting clowns bumping into each other on tiny overcrowded maps. The solution? Have quake pick the right map for the job! * OKAY, YOU SOLD ME, SO HOW DOES IT WORK? The server operator can edit the dasdm.ini file to have any number of pre set map lists, containing any number of local maps. Each map has it's own mininum and maximum number of players. If smart map selection is enabled, the maps are chosen based on the number of players in the game. If none of the maps fit exactly, it will pick the best fit. ie, if you have 12 people on q2dm5 and the map changes, it will skip q2dm6 and q2dm7 (set to a max of 8 players by default) and go to q2dm8, with it's min/max of 8 and 20. * OKAY, I GET THE IDEA, I WANT TO CHANGE THE INI AROUND The ini is setup as follows: [settings] <- "section" name maplist = dm <- maplist tells which "section" or list of maps to use fitmaps = 1 <- 0 disables smart map selection [dm] <- Dm list name map1 = q2dm1 <- The map and min/max players. All values MUST be min1 = 4 present and valid. Each key must have a unique name, max1 = 12 ie map1, map2, min1, min2, etc. A value of 0 for the min/max means no limit. map2 = q2dm2 min2 = 5 max2 = 14 .. etc By default, the ini comes with two map lists, "dm" and "all". The dm section contains only the point release maps, and the "all" section has -most- of the quake2 maps. Some of the maps that aren't so hot for dm weren't included. Note: The map numbering really doesn't have to be in order (map1, map2, etc) as long as the names are unique! Cut and paste maps into any order, go wild, get nekkid.. er * PROBLEMS? QUESTIONS? PRAISE? RELATIONSHIP ADVICE? Email dascott@infi.net, or find me on IRC efnet #quake Please drop me a note if you use this mod or the idea in your own modification, or if you use it on your server. * KNOWN PROBLEMS Doing something stupid in the ini will crash quake. Duh. No ports of any kind. Port it to anything under the sun? Email it to me. Get your name in the .txt file! Ooooh, better than an orange smoothie. * COPYRIGHTS AND LEGAL SHIT See the included license.txt for all details. Break them and I'll have great pleasure in watching id software sick Keyser Soze on you and your family.