Devil Quake2 Find the evil item and kill or kill the owner of the evil item. The owner of the evil item has haste and regeneration. Only the owner of the evil item can kill (1 score) or be killed (5 score). The evil item gives you health and armor. You can't hit yourself with your weapons, you have all weapons, unlimited ammo. Fallingdamage is disabled by default. can be enabled. Removed blaster, shotgun, mashinegun, grenade and bfg from game. Offhand hook (+hook). Credits: Id software (many great games!) All people who make their code public (i needed this help!) If anybody would like to have my source i will make it public, too. 4. Rev: Changed model, added redview for devil, new scoreboard and statview. 3. Rev: Removed nearly all monster code, coop mode and singel mode. 2. Rev: Added "ID" command and hook. 1. Rev: first release and allways bugfixes, hope i fixed all of them.