DamageMatch Version 1.0 of DamageMatch is OPEN QUAKE VERIFIED Version 1.1 of DamageMatch is OPEN QUAKE VERIFICATION IN PROGRESS INTRODUCTION: Damage Match changes the way scoring is done. Instead of it being based on kills, it's now based on how much damage you do. For example, if you just hit someone with the blaster, you got 15 points. If you just killed someone, you got thier remaining hp and the value of killbonus. Killbonus is a new console variable that is added to your score whenever you kill someone. So if you hit some guy with a rocket that just respawned, you'll most likely kill them, getting 100 for all his hp, plus 25 more points for killbonus. (killbonus defaults to 25). If you happen to hurt yourself in ANY WAY (falling too far, getting hurt in your own explosions), then you will lose points equal to the damage you caused yourself. If you hit some guy that is wearing armor or the power shield, then the armor subtracts from the damagefirst. If you kill yourself, then you will lose points equal to the suicidepenalty (another console variable), which defaults to 50. If you wanna play regular quake2 deathmatch, then change damagematch (the last console variable) to 0 and go to the next level. Only the server has to have this patch. Also. In version 1.1 there are 4 new variables that further change the way scoring is done. Killedpenalty is the penalty for being killed. When you get killed now, you lose points equal to the value of killedpenalty. The default for this is 25. Damagereceivedfactor is the penalty for getting damaged factor. When someone damages you you lose points equal to the value of damagereceivedfactor TIMES the damage he caused you. The default for this is 1. Damagecausedfactor is the bonus for the damage you cause factor. When YOU damage someone else you GAIN points equal to the value of damagecausedfactor TIMES the damage you caused him. The default for this is 1. Selfdamagefactor is the penalty for doing yourself damage factor. When YOU damage YOURSELF you LOSE points equal to the value of selfdamagefactor TIMES the damage you caused yoruself. The default for this is 1. (These changes were requested by mfox@matrox.com.) This makes the winner the one who caused the most damage or kills AND didn't get hit or die that much. The cool thing about the way I coded this is that you can make it just like the way it was in version 1. For Example: With... killbonus at 25 suicidepenalty at 50 killedpenalty at 0 damagereceivedfactor at 0 damagecausedfactor at 1 and selfdamagefactor at 1 you have the settings just the way they were in version 1.0 of damagematch. With... killbonus at 1 suicidepenalty at 1 killedpenalty at 1 damagereceivedfactor at 0 damagecausedfactor at 0 and selfdamagefactor at ) you have a normal game of quake2 except you lose one frag for being killed. With... killbonus at 25 suicidepenalty at 50 killedpenalty at 25 damagereceivedfactor at .5 damagecausedfactor at .5 and selfdamagefactor at .5 you have a game where damage only gives you half as many points! I put no limit on the variables (don't know how) so I'm pretty sure it's possible to do all kinds of crazy scoring with this. I think negatives are possible too. (wouldn't it be funny to make suicidepenalty -500 and GAIN 500 points for killing yourself!) ____________________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTIONS (server side only patch. You don't need to download anything unless you're the server.): 1) Download it from www.dclink.com/destroy/quake. a) version 1.0 Damagem.zip (open quake verified) OR b) version 1.1 Damag1-1.zip (open quake verification in progress) 2) make a new directory called "damagem" in your quake2 directory 3) unzip damagem.zip (or damag1-1.zip) into the damagem directory 4) type "quake2 +set game damagem" to run quake2 with my patch. ____________________________________________________________________________ COMMAND SUMMARY: damagematch - determines if you want to use the features of the patch or not. default is 1 (0 for off) killbonus - the bonus for kills. default is 25 suicidepenalty - the penalty for suicide. default is 25 killedpenalty - the penalty for being killed. default is 25 damagereceivedfactor - the factor by which you LOSE points for getting damaged by someone else. default is 1 damagecausedfactor - the factor by which you GAIN points for damaging someone else. default is 1 selfdamagefactor - the factor by which you LOSE points for damaging yourself. default is 1 cmd dso - Displays Server Options. ____________________________________________________________________________ THANKS TO: Cristal, My girlfriend id, duh Chris Hilton, http://www.jump.net/~dctank, for helping me finish this (I had left out the - in "damagematch->value" in one place. he found it. He also told me where to look in order to change the frag display.) Mfox@matrox.com, he notified me of the dedicated server bug and gave me the idea for new variables present in version 1.1 ____________________________________________________________________________ COPYRIGHT & DISTRIBUTION: The Quake2 source code is Copyright 1997, id Software. All modifications and additions made to the Quake2 source code to produce "DamageMatch," are Copyright 1998, Vince Lupo. All rights reserved. DamageMatch may NOT be used for profit without the WRITTEN permission of the author, Vince Lupo. "For profit" use of DamageMatch includes (but is not limited to): - Distribution of DamageMatch on CD-ROM or other media - Use of DamageMatch on commercial Quake servers DamageMatch may be distributed electronically provided that: - There is no charge for the distribution - This text file is included in its original form, together with all other DamageMatch files. Blah, blah, blah. DamageMatch is provided "as-is". If you use it, you do so entirely at your own risk. Authors MAY use the DamageMatch source code to produce derivative works, subject to the above restrictions. In fact, I encourage it. ______________________________________________________________________________ VERSION INFORMATION: DamageMatch v1.1 - Jan 16nd, 1998 by Vince Lupo destroy@dclink.com www.dclink.com/destroy/quake/index.htm