* Quake 2 Plus 1.0 * Title : Quake 2 Plus 1.0 Filename : Q2Plus10.zip Version : 1.00 Date : 11.6.1998 Author : Werner Spahl "The reason of my life is to make me crazy!" Email : ui22273@sun1.lrz-muenchen.de Credits : Special thanks to id for this almost perfect game, to the QDeveLS and to all whose code I analyzed, modified or directly included in this patch! Type of Mod ----------- Quake.dll: yes Graphics : no Sounds : yes Format of QuakeDLL ---------------- .c files : yes .pak file : no gamex86.dll: yes Description of the Modification ------------------------------- Quake 2 Plus is a compilation of some Quake 2 enhancements and creates a slightly more realistic and consistent future space marine scenario! Feature summary: ---------------- act, silent blaster, reflecting beams, homing rockets, shootable proxgrenades, pulserifle, plasmarifle, no jumpsound, no flies Features: --------- * pressing "act" touching items gets them (no more wasting of health or ammo by accidently taking it) * pressing "act" touching buttons activates them (move forward while pressing to make sure you really touch) * the Blaster silently fires beams (regards to LM_Jormungard, SumFuka and WonderSlug) * the Machinegun is turned into a Pulserifle (without the kickback raise and with the cool sound) * the Handgrenades act as shootable sticking Proxgrenades (regards to Chris Hilton and Joel Skrepnek) * the Rocketlauncher fires homing rockets (regards to Chris Hilton) * the Hyperblaster is turned into a Plasmarifle (firing beams that are occasionally reflected) * no jump sound (why should a marine groan so loud each time) * no flies (why should there be flies at all on an alien world) How to Install the Modification ------------------------------- Create a directory named Q2Plus in your registered Quake 2 directory, unzip the archive with the directory structure restored into it, then start playing Quake 2 Plus with: Quake2 -game Q2Plus When using the patch on level addons presented as pak files make sure that there are no overlapping resources like gamex86.dll in the pak! Don't forget to bind a key to "act"! Technical Details ----------------- All .c modifications are marked with "ws" and based on the 3.14 code. Author Information ------------------ I'm the author of the Theme Doom Patch, the Duke Nukem 3D Footsteps and Get Open Patch, lots of small Quake patches, Quake Plus 2.0 and the Jedi Knight and MOTS Primary Fire, Zoom and Light Patches! Copyright and Distribution Permissions -------------------------------------- Authors MAY use these modifications as a basis for other publically available work. You may distribute this Quake 2 modification in any electronic format as long as this description file remains intact and unmodified and is retained along with all of the files in the archive. Availability ------------ This modification is available from the following places: ftp.cdrom.com