Quake2 Server side Camera DLL released at FragFest15 on 19/6/98 See our web site, http://www.easttown.demon.co.uk/LavaCam/ for further info and updates. ================================================================================== Title : LavaCam (v1.06) Author : Phil Taunton Testing, ideas and stuff : Paul Margetson, Steve Moore and John Annison LavaCam download button : Antony Espindola Melba toasts : Kaz Margetson (all are members of TeamLava Clan) Email Address : LavaCam@easttown.demon.co.uk Description : A server side camera client for Quake2, requires Quake2 v3.14 or v3.15, compiled for Windows 32bit only. ================================================================================== * Fixed point camera, using intermission points or Deathmatch starts * View pans to follow target * Constant status message for targetted player giving player name, health, weapon and armor status * HUD removed from view to get rid of unnecessary info and clutter * User definable delay countdown at the beginning of every new map, to allow eveyone to get into the map and get ready! * Cameras can be named so you know where the camera is looking from * Unique level preview mode - camera cycles through all cam points while there is no action. Can also be used by level designers to check the location of the cameras is correct. * Makes the best of levels not specifically designed with intermission points by using Deathmatch starts instead and hovering over the start points. * Server side mod only, clients do not need the gamex86.dll Instructions ============ 1. Download the self extracting executable file LavaCam_106.exe into your Quake2 directory. 2. Run the program, Unzip the files to your Quake2 directory. A 'LavaCam' directory will be created, which will contain the LavaCam files A LavaCam skin will also be created in the 'baseq2/players/male' directory 3. We recommend using the following command line string to launch LavaCam quake2 +set game LavaCam +menu_main 4. Client or Server running the camera must be named LavaCam Please email us at LavaCam@easttown.demon.co.uk with any questions, comments or bugs. LavaCam will improve with your support and encouragement. Legal Stuff =========== If you want to use this patch in anything that will be redistributed, please e-mail TeamLava first for permission. (This excludes CDROM.COM which may of course distribute it freely without asking.)