Railgun Arena 1.03 Beta Includes server and client PAKs install to the /rga directory We are still working on this mod. It is Railgun Arena; like Rocket Arena; but with railguns (surprise!) There are 4 guns implemented: #4: Shoots rails with purple tracers; not very powerful #5: RFRDS; or Rapid Fire Rail Delivery System. Very fun #6: Heated Rails; these babies will go through anything #7: Plutonium Rod auncher; big daddy of 'em all. Added: 1.01; wont crash if someone leaves in the middle of a match 1.02; added railgun tracer, new model 1.03; code works on Linux and Solaris by a few cheap tricks :) Any bugs MUST be reported to mdq@tp.net; as you must report beta bugs in a beta test :) Have fun! MDQ Team 11/5/98 http://come.to/mdq