Title : DUAKE (Pronounced "Da-Wake") NOTE: That is the whole title, including the brackets. Requires Quake2 v3.13 or later. Version : 0.5'ish (Hell, I don't know) Filename : DUAKE0_5.zip Date : 06/04/98 Author : Mr Grim Email Address : grim@a2.com.a Credits : id Software for the ever changeable Quake2, Hentai for VWep patch (http://www.telefragged.com/tsunami/), Death Flame base by Patrick Martin (cimartin@flash.net), Duke Nukem sounds by 3D Realms, Other sounds by Bruce Campbell (Evil Dead), Bill Paxton (Aliens) and them South Park folk. Apologies to anyone else I didn't mention. * Special Thanks * Sir Bink, Rifleman and R'in for testing. Oh yeah, and Muzz'Bitch for his persistant nagging that Quake sux. ================================================================ Description : New Deathmatch Mod Welcome to DUAKE (Pronounced "Da-Wake"). Firstly, no, this is not a Duke3D to Quake2 conversion. The name just came out that way coz of Sir Bink, even though it has similar weaponry. Anyway, this mod simply changes Quake2 into a style of play that makes for quick, violent and funny play. Do get this effect, the server flags for no health, no armor and spawn farthest have to be set YES. NOTE: These have to be set coz you start bleeding at around 25 health. DMFLAGS: DF_NO_HEALTH 1 DF_SPAWN_FARTHEST 512 DF_NO_ARMOR 2048 1 + 512 + 2048 = 2561 quake2 +set game duake +set dmflags 2561 +map q2dm8 If you insist on a normal style of play (Health etc on), then add the spawnflag for: "That which does not kill us makes us stronger" DF_STRONG 65538 With this on, when you go below 13 health, and make it back to max, you will receive extra health permantly. All the original weapons are either removed or changed. Additional weapons are the Pistol and Laser Trip Bomb. Removed: - HyperBlaster, Machinegun, Chaingun, Blaster, Super Shotgun Changed: - Rocket Launcher heals others. - Railgun swaps your positions with whoever you hit. - BFG heals n' other stuff. - Grenades don't explode on impact. Replaced: - Pistols where Machines guns were. - Shotguns where Chainguns and Super Shotguns were. - LTB's where Cells and Hyperblasters were. (Bind something to 'use Pistol' and 'use Laser Trip Bomb') Apologies for the bad model skins etc. ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Yeah, but why? Deathmatch (2-16) : Yes, any more then 8 may be too frantic. (Tested with four and it kicked ass) New Sounds : Yep, lots. New Graphics : Yep, some. New Music : No. * Construction * Base : Quake2 DLL 3.13 Source Editor(s) used : LCC, PSP, Edit, Sound Forge 3.0. Known Bugs : - Seems to be a bug with the Laser Trip Bombs, except we have only done it once. - Vwep frame bug sometimes/often. - Oh yeah, no LTB, pistol or new shotgun model for VWep. Not bugs, just not one. (So someone who seems to have a Hyperblaster is probably using LTB's) Build Time : I don't know, a couple of weeks on/off? Source Included : No. * Install Instructions and usage * Server: UNZIP AND RUN Client: UNZIP, CONNECT AND PROBABLY GET WASTED COZ OF THE DIFFERENT STYLE OF PLAY (I DO). ================================================================ * Legal Stuff * You may distribute this Quake2 mod in any electronic format as long as this description file remains intact and unmodified and is retained along with all of the files in the archive and no fees are charged. QUAKE2 is a registered trademark of Id Software, Inc. QUAKE2, the stylized reproduction of the QUAKE2 trademark, including, without limitation, the Q in QUAKE2, and the images depicted in QUAKE2 are the copyrighted property of Id Software, Inc.