First thing to do is create a room outside your map to store one monster in. If you want to teleport more than one monster you will need a room for each one. Otherwise they will tele-frag each other. In the room where your monster will teleport from you need a trigger_teleport key. If you don't know about grouping items you should study that first. What I did next was assign a cube brush to the trigger_teleport key. I made the cube almost as large as the room. The cube will NOT be visible if properly assigned to the trigger_teleport key. Next you must give the trigger_teleport key a targetname, pick anything you want. The shorter the better. We will use "bob", no quotes required. I also gave the target attribute under the trigger_telport key the name "bob". Now we need to place a trigger that will cause the monster to teleport. In the room that the monster is to appear in place a trigger_once key and assign a cube brush as was done in the monster teleport room to this key. The cube will not appear in the map. For the target attribute of this key choose "bob". As an added bonus a message can be assigned when the trigger is tripped. Just type it in under message. That should do it. Good Luck and Your Welcome. I may have some extraneous steps but since I had been working on this for two and a half hours I was just happy to have it work ! AgX