Slimers Crusher - by Super Slimer (email - EDITOR: Thred 0.6b TEXTURES: For this map i used the wad that comes with Thred 0.6b nothing really special. ENTITIES: func_train, path_corner & func_door IDEA: This is a very simplistic map, based on an idea i got from the level in Quake SW e1m3 where the pole flys out at you... but i didnt want the pole to kill you, just do some damage and knock you off a ledge... But to do damage from a train you must be crushed against a wall... Not anymore :) WHAT TO DO: First put a trigger infront of the player which sets off the flying object, then another to open the door behind the player, the door should have a speed of 2000, (in my example i also gave it "sounds" "0" so the door doesnt make any noise) Second you make your flying object that will push the player, setting it up in a hallway like in this example is the easiest way to do this, then assign the func_train to the object, give it a damage of less than 100 ("dmg" "80"), also give it a speed of about 1000 ("speed" "1000") then assign it the path_corners to make it fly down the hallway... Now to make it do damage to the player without crushing him/her (it sometimes kills the player anyway about 5% of the time) subtract a small section of the floor behind the trigger so which is about 1-4 units deep, and as wide as the hallway, i made it 96 long (ie 96units from the trigger). This will partially crush the player, but will still keep pushing them giving the impression that the impact of the flying object did damage... then make the player fall off into some nasty(or nice if your a wimp) trap...