************** Light Cage ************** Light Cage by Mark Chisholm This Light Cage is meant for throwing shadows mostly, since it isn't much on looks. That thing they put on things: ------------------------------------------------- New textures: NO (Green.wad used) ------------------------------------------------- New BSP: I guess so ------------------------------------------------- Source included: Yes ------------------------------------------------- Quake C: Yeah right..I don't think so ------------------------------------------------- New Model: Nope. There's a brush thingy though. no .mdls ------------------------------------------------- New Sounds: Nope. ------------------------------------------------- Hey, wait a second, then what the hell is this thing then? Permission stuff Well, I don't really think this is nessesary, but, if any of you want to put this in you level, go ahead, give me credit if you like,or if you think it really makes your level pretty cool, but you don't need to. Even though no one will, this thing isn't to be put on CD, or sold in any way.ok? It would be pretty cool if someone wanted to put this in their level, or play around with it. I f you do, please send the result to me. If anyone want to tell me I'm a dork, or if they want to make any comments, send to: Chisholm@Tidalwave.net