---- Half-Life Map Authoring Template ---- Filename: AKMULT01.BSP File Type: Half-Life BSP File Map Type: New Level Map Title: akmult01: by AndyKl Map version number: 1.0 (build 20) Single-Play: no Multi-Play: yes Team-Play: no Players: 2-4 Editors used: WorldCraft 2.0 Author: Andreas Klauer (andy.kl) E-Mail: andy.kl@gmx.net Known bugs: -It is possible that the player is standing in the turret's way. -The sky is too low. If the player throws a MG-Grenade from the bottom into the sky it will disappear and the player will hear the sound of water (?!? why are the sky brushes water...?) -There may be some little Problems with the water The files included with this zip are copyright (c) by Andreas Klauer, 1999. You are allowed to copy/send this zip to your friends or whatever, as long as this text-file is included with the map. Without my permission you are not allowed to sell this file, or to ship it on a CD-Rom or any other media.