E1M6_013.DEM by Yonatan Donner ------------------------ Map: E1M6 Skill: 3 (Nightmare) ------------------------ Secrets: 0/4 Kills: 1/31 ------------------------ Time: 0:13 ------------------------ So, once again I left Doom for several minutes to try an idea I had for Quake... and it worked. This improvised jump is not easy, but it took less tries than I expected (only about 15, I expected 500), what's even harder is surviving the ogres with shotgun only (I guess you understand by now how I got the key), and I got lucky... otherwise it would really take 500, so much luck involved. I'd say an 0:12 is possible... But I'm a Doomer in my heart, so I return to Doom :) Visit my homepage - http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/4704/ Yonatan Donner 3/20/97 ruthd@post.tau.ac.il